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Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 25-36, jan.-jun. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1425963


Relatos de ingestão de corpos estranhos dos mais diferentes materiais são comuns em aves, especialmente nas mais jovens. Os corpos estranhos podem causar intoxicação (dependendo da composição do material) ou mesmo perfuração do canal alimentar ou obstrução gastrintestinal. Quando há suspeita de ingestão de corpos estranhos, exames de imagem como a radiologia, ultrassonografia e endoscopia são ferramentas valiosas para o diagnóstico. Objetivou-se relatar um caso de uma ave da espécie Gallus gallus domesticus, raça Brahma, sete meses de idade, macho, pesando 4,3 Kg com quadro de sensibilidade na cavidade corporal e histórico de regurgitação, hiporexia e prostração há cinco dias. As radiografias simples indicaram a presença de corpo estranho radiopaco (parafuso) alojado na região do ventrículo (moela). Após tratamento clínico com lavagens gástricas por cinco dias sem êxito, optou-se por realizar uma endoscopia digestiva alta sob anestesia geral com quetamina e isoflurano. O corpo estranho foi satisfatoriamente removido com pinça de alça de polipectomia e a ave apresentou rápida melhora clínica sem complicações. A endoscopia mostrou-se um procedimento pouco invasivo e eficaz para a resolução do presente caso. Os clínicos veterinários de aves devem considerar a possibilidade de usar a endoscopia como ferramenta para diagnóstico e resolução de corpos estranhos no canal alimentar das aves.(AU)

Reports of ingestion of foreign bodies from most different materials are common in birds, especially younger ones. Foreign bodies can cause intoxication (depending on the composition of the material) or even perforation of the alimentary canal and gastrointestinal obstruction. When foreign body ingestion is suspected, imaging tests such as radiology, ultrasound, and endoscopy are valuable diagnostic tools. The objective of this paper was to report a case of an avian of the species Gallus gallus domesticus, Brahma breed, seven months old, male, weighing 4.3 kg, with sensitivity in the body cavity, and a history of regurgitation, hyporexia, and prostration for five days. Plain radiographs indicated the presence of a radiopaque foreign body (screw) lodged in the ventricle region (gizzard). After clinical treatment with gastric lavages for five days without success, it was decided to perform an upper digestive endoscopy under general anesthesia with ketamine and isoflurane. The foreign body was satisfactorily removed with polypectomy loop forceps, and the bird showed rapid clinical improvement without complications. Endoscopy proved to be a minimally invasive and effective procedure for resolving the present case. Avian veterinary practitioners may consider using endoscopy to diagnose and resolve foreign bodies in the alimentary canal of birds.(AU)

Los informes de ingestión de cuerpos extraños de los más diferentes materiales son comunes en las aves, especialmente en las más jóvenes. Los cuerpos extraños pueden causar intoxicación (dependiendo de la composición del material) o incluso perforación del tubo digestivo u obstrucción gastrointestinal. Cuando se sospecha la ingestión de un cuerpo extraño, las pruebas de imagen como la radiología, la ecografía y la endoscopia son valiosas herramientas diagnósticas. El objetivo fue reportar un caso de un ave de la especie Gallus gallus domesticus, raza Brahma, de siete meses de edad, macho, con un peso de 4,3 kg, con sensibilidad en la cavidad corporal y antecedentes de regurgitación, hiporexia y postración de cinco días de evolución. Las radiografías simples indicaron la presencia de un cuerpo extraño radiopaco (tornillo) alojado en la región del ventrículo (molleja). Tras tratamiento clínico con lavados gástricos durante cinco días sin éxito, se decide realizar endoscopia digestiva alta bajo anestesia general con ketamina e isoflurano. El cuerpo extraño se extrajo satisfactoriamente con pinzas de asa de polipectomía y el ave mostró una rápida mejoría clínica sin complicaciones. La endoscopia demostró ser un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo y efectivo para la resolución del presente caso. Los veterinarios aviares deberían considerar la posibilidad de utilizar la endoscopia como herramienta para el diagnóstico y resolución de cuerpos extraños en el tubo digestivo de las aves.(AU)

Animals , Poultry Diseases/diagnosis , Chickens , Foreign-Body Reaction/veterinary , Digestive System , Endoscopy/veterinary
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982391


Foreign body reactions induced by macrophages often cause delay or failure of wound healing in the application of tissue engineering scaffolds. This study explores the application of nanosilver (NAg) to reduce foreign body reactions during scaffold transplantation. An NAg hybrid collagen-chitosan scaffold (NAg-CCS) was prepared using the freeze-drying method. The NAg-CCS was implanted on the back of rats to evaluate the effects on foreign body reactions. Skin tissue samples were collected for histological and immunological evaluation at variable intervals. Miniature pigs were used to assess the effects of NAg on skin wound healing. The wounds were photographed, and tissue samples were collected for molecular biological analysis at different time points post-transplantation. NAg-CCS has a porous structure and the results showed that it could release NAg constantly for two weeks. The NAg-CCS group rarely developed a foreign body reaction, while the blank-CCS group showed granulomas or necrosis in the subcutaneous grafting experiment. Both matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) were reduced significantly in the NAg-CCS group. The NAg-CCS group had higher interleukin (IL)-10 and lower IL-6 than the blank CCS group. In the wound healing study, M1 macrophage activation and inflammatory-related proteins (inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), IL-6, and interferon-‍γ (IFN-‍γ)) were inhibited by NAg. In contrast, M2 macrophage activation and proinflammatory proteins (arginase-1, major histocompatibility complex-II (MHC-II), and found in inflammatory zone-1 (FIZZ-1)) were promoted, and this was responsible for suppressing the foreign body responses and accelerating wound healing. In conclusion, dermal scaffolds containing NAg suppressed the foreign body reaction by regulating macrophages and the expression of inflammatory cytokines, thereby promoting wound healing.

Animals , Rats , Swine , Interleukin-6 , Macrophage Activation , Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 , Wound Healing , Foreign-Body Reaction , Foreign Bodies , Chitosan
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 110(3): 1101251, sept.-dic. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426046


La persistencia de lesiones perirradiculares luego del tra- tamiento endodóntico es un problema que requiere del clínico un conocimiento cabal de la histofisiología y de la histopato- logía del sistema de conductos radiculares del tejido pulpar y de los tejidos perirradiculares (periodonto y hueso); además de considerar siempre la posible existencia de enfermedades sistémicas que también pueden actuar como factores de in- fluencia. La presencia de bacterias remanentes a posteriori del tratamiento es considerada como una de las causas principales y más frecuentes para la perpetuación de las lesiones perirra- diculares. Sin embargo, existen otros factores causales, como la existencia de conductos laterales o accesorios infectados y no tratados, la reabsorción dentinaria interna, intercomunica- ciones, cul-de-sacs o istmos; que representan áreas de difícil acceso durante la instrumentación e irrigación. Cuando la cau- sa original se localiza en la zona perirradicular, como en los casos de actinomicosis, reacciones a cuerpo extraño, cristales de colesterol (CRCo) y granulomas o quistes con alto conte- nido de CRCo, la indicación más adecuada es el retratamiento y la cirugía periapical como complemento (AU)

The persistence of periradicular lesions after endodontic treatment is a problem that requires the doctor to have a thor- ough knowledge of the histophysiology and histopathology of the root canal system, the pulp tissue and periradicular tis- sues (periodontium and bone); as well as always considering the possible existence of systemic alterations that can also be influencing factors. Persisting bacteria within the root canal system after treatment is one of the major and most frequent causes for the perpetuation of periradicular lesions. Howev- er, there are other possible causal factors such as the exist- ence of untreated lateral or accessory canals, internal dentin resorption, intercommunications, cul-de-sacs or isthmuses; areas that represent a difficulty in access during instrumen- tation and irrigation. If the original cause is located in the periradicular area, in cases like actinomycosis, foreign-body reactions, cholesterol crystals (CRCo) and granulomas or cysts with high content of CRCo, retreatment coupled with periapical surgery is the best approach to treatment (AU)

Humans , Periapical Diseases/etiology , Dental Pulp Diseases/etiology , Focal Infection, Dental/complications , Persistent Infection/complications , Periapical Diseases/surgery , Actinomycosis/pathology , Radicular Cyst/complications , Cholesterol/adverse effects , Foreign-Body Reaction/pathology , Retreatment/methods , Gram-Negative Anaerobic Bacteria/pathogenicity
Rev. colomb. cir ; 37(2): 312-317, 20220316. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362981


Introducción. El divertículo de Zenker es una evaginación sacular ciega que puede presentarse a nivel faringoesofágico. No se conoce exactamente su incidencia en la edad pediátrica, constituyendo una patología muy infrecuente. La sintomatología es inespecífica, lo que dificulta el diagnóstico precoz y determina un mayor riesgo de complicaciones asociadas. Caso clínico. Paciente preescolar femenina con cuadro recurrente de emesis con deshidratación, posteriormente asociado a disfagia, a quien se le diagnosticó un divertículo de Zenker. Se realizó tratamiento quirúrgico con hallazgo intraoperatorio de dilatación esofágica, un área de estenosis secundaria al hallazgo incidental de un cuerpo extraño y divertículo de Zenker en la región lateral del esófago dilatado. Discusión. Esta patología es extremadamente rara, pero se debe tener en cuenta dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales en pacientes con sintomatología faringo-esofágica. Conclusión. Se presenta una preescolar sin antecedente de procedimientos esofágicos o malformaciones congénitas asociadas con diagnóstico de un divertículo de Zenker y dilatación esofágica por un cuerpo extraño, tratada quirúrgicamente de forma exitosa.

Introduction. Zenker's diverticulum is a blind saccular evagination that can present at the pharyngoesophageal level. Its incidence in pediatric age is not exactly known, constituting a very infrequent pathology. The symptoms are nonspecific, which makes early diagnosis difficult and determines a higher risk of associated complications.Clinical case. Female preschool patient with recurrent dehydration due to emesis, later associated with dysphagia, who was diagnosed with Zenker's diverticulum. Surgical treatment was performed with intraoperative finding of esophageal dilation, an area of stenosis secondary to the incidental finding of a foreign body, and a Zenker's diverticulum in the lateral region of the dilated esophagus. Discussion. This pathology is extremely rare, but it should be taken into account within the differential diagnoses in patients with pharyngo-esophageal symptoms. Conclusion: We present a preschool female patient with no history of esophageal procedures or congenital malformations associated with a diagnosis of Zenker's diverticulum and esophageal dilation due to a foreign body, successfully treated surgically.

Humans , Foreign-Body Reaction , Zenker Diverticulum , Esophageal Stenosis , Pharynx , Diverticulum , Esophagus
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(2): 203-207, abr. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388796


Resumen Objetivo: Reportar un caso de absceso periostomal, su diagnóstico clínico e imagenológico y manejo. Materiales y Método: Paciente de 77 años usuaria de colostomía con dolor abdominal asociado a aumento de volumen y enrojecimiento de la piel alrededor de la colostomía. Una tomografía computada de abdomen muestra un cuerpo extraño perforante de la pared colónica ostomizada, asociado a formación de un absceso. Resultados: Se practica una incisión de la colección, dando salida a gran cantidad de pus y cuerpo extraño correspondiente a tibia de ave. Se inicia cobertura antibiótica y se instala drenaje Penrose. Controles posteriores muestran regresión del absceso y drenaje sin débito. Discusión: 80%-90% de los cuerpos extraños ingeridos son eliminados sin complicación y < 1% producen perforación. Esto es más común en segmentos intestinales angulados o intervenidos quirúrgicamente. La clínica es inespecífica y el diagnóstico requiere una imagen que identifique signos sugerentes. Conclusión: Un absceso periostomal y la perforación intestinal por cuerpo extraño son cuadros infrecuentes. La alta sospecha diagnóstica y una evaluación imagenológica pueden dar una respuesta precisa. Además del manejo quirúrgico, debe asociarse cobertura antibiótica para enteropatógenos y generalmente un sistema de drenaje.

Aim: To report a case of periostomal abscess, its clinical and imaging diagnosis and management. Materials and Method: 77-year-old patient, user of a colostomy with abdominal pain associated to swelling and redness of the skin next to the colostomy. A computed tomography of the abdomen showed a foreign body perforating the ostomized bowel associated to the formation of an abscess. Results: An incision of the gathering was performed, giving out a great quantity of pus and the foreign body, which corresponded to a bird's tibia. Antibiotic therapy was given, and a Penrose drainage installed. Further controls showed regression of the abscess and no flux from drainage. Discussion: 80%-90% of ingested foreign bodies are eliminated without complications and < 1% produce perforation. This is more common in angled intestinal segments or surgically intervened ones. Clinical features are unspecific, and diagnosis requires suggesting imaging signs. Conclusion: Periostomal abscesses and bowel perforation due to foreign body are infrequent. High diagnostic suspicion and an imaging evaluation may give a precise answer. Besides surgical management, antibiotic coverage for enteropathogens must be associated and a drainage system too in most cases.

Humans , Female , Aged , Colostomy/adverse effects , Foreign-Body Reaction/complications , Abscess/diagnosis , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Abscess/physiopathology , Abscess/therapy
Acta cir. bras ; 36(7): e360706, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339001


ABSTRACT Purpose To compare tissue inflammatory response, foreign body reaction, fibroplasia, and proportion of type I/III collagen between closure of abdominal wall aponeurosis using polyglactin suture and intraperitoneal implant of polypropylene, polypropylene/polyglecaprone, and polyester/porcine collagen meshes to repair defects in the abdominal wall of rats. Methods Forty Wistar rats were placed in four groups, ten animals each, for the intraperitoneal implant of polypropylene, polypropylene/polyglecaprone, and polyester/porcine collagen meshes or suture with polyglactin (sham) after creation of defect in the abdominal wall. Twenty-one days later, histological analysis was performed after staining with hematoxylin-eosin and picrosirius red. Results The groups with meshes had a higher inflammation score (p < 0.05) and higher number of gigantocytes (p < 0.05) than the sham group, which had a better fibroplasia with a higher proportion of type I/III collagen than the tissue separating meshes (p < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between the three groups with meshes. Conclusions The intraperitoneal implant of polypropylene/polyglecaprone and polyester/porcine collagen meshes determined a more intense tissue inflammatory response with exuberant foreign body reaction, immature fibroplasia and low tissue proportion of type I/III collagen compared to suture with polyglactin of abdominal aponeurosis. However, there were no significant differences in relation to the polypropylene mesh group.

Animals , Rats , Polypropylenes/adverse effects , Abdominal Wall/surgery , Polyglactin 910/adverse effects , Surgical Mesh/adverse effects , Sutures , Swine , Materials Testing , Foreign-Body Reaction/etiology , Collagen , Rats, Wistar , Aponeurosis
Rev. enferm. neurol ; 19(2): 66-73, Sep-Dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1253681


Introducción: la ingesta accidental de cuerpos extraños (CE) en niños, es considerada un problema de salud. En el 2014 en Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, el Centro de Control de la Asociación Americana de Envenenamientos reportó que más de 128 000 pacientes habían ingerido un CE; más del 69% había ocurrido en menores de 5 años y 83%, en menores de 19 años. Objetivo: identificar y describir las características clínicas y demográficas asociadas con la ingesta accidental de un cuerpo extraño por pacientes de 4 a 8 años edad atendidos en el Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, que permita formular estrategias preventivas, aplicables en esta población. Material y métodos: estudio retrospectivo observacional, se revisaron expedientes de 75 pacientes entre los 4 a 8 años de edad, de los cuales 65 reunieron los criterios para el estudio, ingresados por diagnóstico de ingesta de cuerpo extraño, tratados en el HIMFG durante el periodo de 2016-2017. Se excluyeron quienes presentaron un problema de salud que condicionara este riesgo (deterioro neurológico) y que fuera habitante de casa hogar. Se obtuvieron medidas de tendencia central y dispersión para las variables cuantitativas (media, desviación estándar, intervalo de confianza de 95%). Se calcularon frecuencias relativas de las variables cualitativas. Resultados: en el hogar es donde ocurre el evento con un 91.9%, el accidente tiene mayor incidencia durante el juego, en un 80.6%; sobresale la ingesta de objetos sólidos, ocupando el 91.9% con las monedas. Los padres son quienes se encuentran en el momento del evento y trasladan a los pacientes a recibir atención médica 87.1% y el 51.6% de este tipo de accidentes. Se produjeron en día no hábil; los niños no acuden a la escuela. Se considera el viernes como fin de semana pues cada último viernes del mes no hay clases. Conclusión: el juego es un factor que sí influye en este comportamiento, es importante dirigir la atención preventiva, mediante la aplicación de reglas que establezcan límites en el juego y no dejarlas al alcance de los niños.

Eating , Accidents , Foreign-Body Reaction
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(9): 669-676, Sept. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1143419


Ingestion of metallic and/or sharp foreign bodies triggers cases of traumatic reticuloperitonitis and its sequelae in cattle. Among these sequelae, we can highlight traumatic reticulosplenitis, that has high mortality, although its frequency in the ruminant medicine is low. Therefore, based on the scarcity of information on this disease, the current study aimed to evaluate the clinical, laboratory, ultrasonographic, and pathological findings of 30 adult cattle diagnosed with traumatic reticulosplenitis. Clinical, ultrasound, and anatomopathological findings were analyzed using descriptive statistics and laboratory data were evaluated using measures of central tendency. Clinically the animals presented dehydration and alterations in behavior, appetite, and ruminal motility. Hematological findings revealed neutrophilic leukocytosis (37077.17±25004.59cell/µL) with regenerative left shift and hyperfibrinogenemia (1130±364.98mg/dL). The ultrasound examination enabled visualization of mobile and echogenic filaments that corresponded to the presence of fibrin adhesions. Displacement of the reticulum and irregularity in its contour, as well as alterations in the quantity, pattern, and amplitude of reticular contractions were also observed. Splenic alterations such as abscesses were found, characterized as circular structures of varying sizes delimited by capsules containing variable echogenicity. Splenic vein thrombosis and spleen folding were also observed. The results obtained in the current study indicated that traumatic reticulosplenitis causes nonspecific clinical signs, severe laboratory alterations and, mainly, that ultrasound is an efficient method for the diagnosis of this disease, since the anatomopathological lesions confirmed the ultrasound findings.(AU)

A ingestão de corpos estranho de origem metálica e/ou pontiagudos desencadeia em bovinos, quadros de Reticuloperitonite Traumática e suas sequelas. Dentre as quais podemos destacar a retículo esplenite traumática cuja letalidade é elevada, embora a mesma apresente uma baixa frequência na clínica de ruminantes. Portanto, baseado na escassez de informações sobre esta enfermidade, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os achados clínicos, laboratoriais, ultrassonográficos e anatomopatológicos de 30 bovinos adultos diagnosticados com retículo esplenite traumática. Os achados clínicos, ultrassonográfico e anatomopatológico foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva, e os dados laboratoriais foram avaliados utilizando-se as medidas de tendência central. Clinicamente os animais apresentaram desidratação e alterações no comportamento, apetite e na motilidade ruminal. Os achados hematológicos revelaram leucocitose (37077.17±25004.59cell/µL) por neutrofilia com desvio à esquerda regenerativo e hiperfibrinogenemia (1130±364.98mg/dL). O exame ultrassonográfico possibilitou a visualização de filamentos móveis e ecogênicos que corresponderam à presença de aderências fibrinosas, observou-se também, deslocamento do retículo e irregularidade no seu contorno além das alterações na quantidade, padrão e amplitude das contrações reticulares. Permitiu ainda, a constatação de alterações esplênicas como abscessos que foram caracterizados como estruturas circulares de variados tamanhos delimitada por capsula contendo no seu interior conteúdo de ecogenicidade variável. Trombose da veia esplênica e dobramento do baço. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho, indicaram que a retículo esplenite traumática causa sinais clínicos inespecíficos, severas alterações laboratoriais e principalmente que a ultrassonografia é um método eficiente para o diagnóstico dessa enfermidade uma vez que as lesões anatomopatológicas confirmaram os achados ultrassonográficos.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Peritonitis/veterinary , Peritonitis/diagnostic imaging , Reticulum/injuries , Reticulum/diagnostic imaging , Spleen/diagnostic imaging , Stomach Diseases/veterinary , Stomach Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Foreign-Body Reaction/veterinary , Ultrasonography/veterinary
Acta cir. bras ; 35(2): e202000201, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1100884


Abstract Purpose To evaluate the effect of a PP mesh on duct deferens morphology, testicular size and testosterone levels. Methods Forty adult male rats were distributed into groups: 1) no surgery; 2) inguinotomy; 3) mesh placed on the duct deferens; and 4) mesh placed on the spermatic funiculus. After 90 postoperative days, the inguinal region was resected, and blood samples were collected for the measurement of serum testosterone (pg/dl). The ducts deferens were sectioned in three axial sections according to the relationship with the mesh — cranial, medial and caudal. The wall thickness and duct deferens lumen area were measured. Results The morphology of the duct deferens was preserved in all groups. The mesh placement did not alter this morphology in any of the analyzed segments. Surgery, with or without mesh placement, did not alter the morphology, wall thickness or lumen area (p>0.05). In all operated groups, serum testosterone levels were similar (p>0.05) but there was a decrease in testicle size (p<0.05). Conclusion Surgery, with or without mesh placement, did not alter the morphology of the duct deferens and, although this treatment resulted in testicular size reduction, it did not affect serum testosterone levels.

Animals , Male , Surgical Mesh , Vas Deferens/pathology , Foreign-Body Reaction/pathology , Inguinal Canal/surgery , Organ Size , Polypropylenes , Postoperative Period , Spermatic Cord/surgery , Testis/anatomy & histology , Testosterone/blood , Vas Deferens/surgery , Foreign-Body Reaction/blood , Rats, Wistar , Models, Animal
Acta cir. bras ; 35(4): e202000407, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130635


Abstract Purpose To evaluate whether silicone foam implants have a different evolution pattern compared to conventional texture implants. Methods Fifty-eight female patients underwent surgery. They were divided into two groups (silicone foam - Lifesil® - and microtexturized silicone - Lifesil®). The evolution was analyzed in postoperative consultations, with physical examination, photographic documentation and filling in a satisfaction questionnaire, in the postoperative period of one month, four months, one year and then annually, up to a maximum of 3 years of follow-up. Results There were no statistically significant differences in presence of rippling, stretch marks, breast ptosis, capsular contracture and quality of scars. There was a higher rate of patients who were very satisfied with the outcome 360 days after surgery in the group receiving silicone foam implants (p = 0.036). Conclusion In short time, silicone foam envelope implants proved to be as reliable as textured silicone envelope implants, making them an option for augmentation mammoplasty.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Silicone Elastomers/therapeutic use , Breast Implantation/methods , Postoperative Complications , Time Factors , Breast/drug effects , Prospective Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Risk Factors , Foreign-Body Reaction/pathology , Treatment Outcome , Patient Satisfaction , Breast Implants/adverse effects , Breast Implantation/adverse effects , Middle Aged
Acta pediátr. hondu ; 10(2): 1063-1068, oct. 2019-mar. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118525


La aspiración de un cuerpo extraño es un acontecimiento fatal que puede conducir a la muerte, definido como el ingreso de manera accidental de un objeto, orgánico o inorgánico, a la vía aérea, alojándose ya sea en la laringe, tráquea o bronquios. Este evento es común en la población pediátrica especialmente entre niños de 18 meses a 3 años. El sitio de alojamiento más común es en el bronquio derecho. El diagnóstico tardío de cuerpo extraño en bronquio está relacionado a neumonías recurrentes, bronquiectasias y atelectasias. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 12 años de edad con antecedentes de sospecha de aspiración de cuerpo extraño en vía aérea desde hace 2 años. Presentando en ese intervalo de tiempo tos productiva de color verde amarillento y persistente, halitosis, neumonías a repetición, y con hipocratismo digital simétrico. Con ayuda de Imágenes por tomografía axial computarizada y broncoscopia virtual se evidencia el cuerpo extraño alojado en bronquio principal izquierdo, revelando el pulmón izquierdo colapsado, hepatizado, con bronquiectasias inferiores, desplazamiento de corazón hacia la izquierda y pulmón derecho sobre distendido. * Médico residente de Tercer año pediatría, UNHA-VS...(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Bronchiectasis/diagnosis , Foreign-Body Reaction/complications , Pneumonia , Bronchoscopy
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(4): 1198-1206, jul.-ago. 2019. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1038616


The aim of this study was to characterize the tissue reactions triggered by the polypropylene mesh coated with chitosan and polyethylene glycol film, and if it's able to prevent the formation of peritoneal adhesions. Defects in the abdominal wall of rats were induced and polypropylene meshes coated with chitosan/polyethylene glycol (CPEG group, n= 12) and uncoated (PP control group, n= 12) were implanted. On the fourth and forty-fifth postoperative day the formation of adhesion and the tissue reaction to the biomaterial was evaluated through histological and histochemical analysis. The area (P= 0.01) and severity (P= 0.002) of the adhesion was significatively less in the CPEG group. On the fourth day the foreign body reaction was less intense in CPEG group (P= 0.018) and the production of collagen fibers was more intense in this group (P= 0.041). The tissue reactions caused by the biomaterials were similar on the 45th day, with the exception of the high organization of collagen fibers in the CPEG group. The CPEG meshes did not fully prevent the formation of adhesions, but minimized the severity of the process. The foreign body reaction promoted by polypropylene meshes coated with CPEG is less intense than that triggered by uncoated polypropylene meshes.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar as reações tissulares desencadeadas pela tela de polipropileno revestida com o filme de quitosana e polietilenoglicol e verificar se ela é capaz de prevenir a formação de aderências peritoneais. Um defeito na parede abdominal dos ratos foi realizado, e as telas de polipropileno revestidas com quitosana/polietilenoglicol (grupo CPEG, n= 12) e sem revestimento (grupo controle PP, n= 12) foram implantadas. No quarto e no 45º dia pós-operatório, avaliou-se a formação de aderências e a reação tecidual ao biomaterial por análise histológica e histoquímica. A área (P= 0,01) e a severidade (P= 0,002) da aderência peritoneal foram significativamente menores no grupo CPEG no 45º dia. No quarto dia, observou-se que a reação do corpo estranho foi menor no grupo CPEG (P= 0,018), e a produção de fibras de colágeno mais intensa (P= 0,041). As reações tissulares causadas pelos biomateriais implantados foram semelhantes no 45º dia, com exceção da melhor organização das fibras colágenas no grupo CPEG. As telas CPEG não impediram completamente a formação de aderências, porém minimizaram a gravidade do processo. A reação de corpo estranho promovida por telas de polipropileno revestidas com CPEG é menos intensa do que a desencadeada por telas de polipropileno não revestidas.(AU)

Animals , Rats , Polyethylene Glycols , Polypropylenes , Surgical Mesh/veterinary , Foreign-Body Reaction/veterinary , Abdominal Wall/surgery , Chitosan , Tissue Adhesions/veterinary
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 79(1): 85-90, mar. 2019. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004387


RESUMEN Paciente de 29 años con antecedente de tres rinomodelaciones en la punta nasal con ácido hialurónico hace cinco años, evaluada por deseo de mejora estética nasal y obstrucción nasal. Al examen visual se observó una leve giba osteocartilaginosa, punta bulbosa, narinas simétricas, sin laterorrinea, no se palparon masas ni nodulaciones. Posterior al manejo de su rinitis y previo consentimiento informado, al realizar rinoseptoplastía abierta se encontró gran cantidad de tejido granulatorio tipo cuerpo extraño en la punta y dorso nasal lo que obligó a cambiar el plan quirúrgico. La biopsia diferida confirmó granuloma por cuerpo extraño por biopolímero derivado de la silicona. Evolucionó satisfactoriamente estética y funcionalmente. La rinomodelación ha aumentado en los últimos años, aunque no existen rellenos faciales aprobados por la FDA para uso nasal. La correcta utilización de los rellenos nasales continúa siendo un tema controvertido. Los granulomas nasales por cuerpo extraño son complicaciones tardías que se han incrementado con el uso de biopolímeros con dosis y técnicas inadecuadas. El uso de ecotomografía ha contribuido a mejorar la planificación quirúrgica, así como el estudio histológico diferido ha permitido identificar el material utilizado en la mayoría de los casos convirtiéndose en el estándar de oro.

ABSTRACT A 29-year-old patient with a history of three nasal fillings in the nasal tip with hyaluronic acid five years ago, reason for consultation improvement nasal aesthetics and nasal obstruction. Physical examination showed a slight osteocartilaginous hump, bulbous tip, symmetrical nostrils, no deviation nasal pyramid, no masses or nodules were palpated. After the management of his rhinitis and previous informed consent, when performing open rhinoseptoplasty, a large amount of foreign body type granulation tissue was found in the tip and nasal dorsum, which forced the surgical plan to change. The post-surgical biopsy showed foreign body granuloma by biopolymer derived from silicone. Evolved satisfactorily aesthetically and functionally. The use of nasal fillers has increased in recent years, although there are no facial fillers approved by the FDA for nasal use. The correct use of nasal fillers is a controversial issue. Nasal granulomas by foreign body are late complications that have increased with the use of biopolymers with inadequate doses and techniques. The use of ecotomography has contributed to improve the surgical planning; the deferred histological study has allowed to identify the material used in most cases becoming the gold standard

Humans , Female , Adult , Granuloma, Foreign-Body/etiology , Foreign-Body Reaction , Hyaluronic Acid/adverse effects , Silicones , Surgery, Plastic , Biopsy , Nasal Obstruction , Nose/pathology , Foreign Bodies
Medisan ; 23(1)ene.-feb. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-990181


Se presenta el caso clínico de un niño de un año de edad, quien fue atendido en el Servicio de Pediatría del Hospital de Serrekunda en Gambia por presentar, desde hacía 2 días, dificultad respiratoria, tos y falta de aire, todo ello de inicio rápido. Ante la posible presencia de un cuerpo extraño en las vías respiratorias altas se realizó un examen físico minucioso que incluyó el laringoscopio, pero debido a su ubicación profunda no fue posible una correcta observación de este, por lo cual se indicaron otros estudios (resonancia magnética y endoscopia), que permitieron una correcta visualización de dicho cuerpo. Debido al tratamiento multidisciplinario y oportuno, el paciente tuvo una evolución favorable y egresó sin complicaciones.

The case report of a year-old child is presented who was assisted in the Pediatrics Service of the Serrekunda Hospital in Gambia for presenting breathing difficulty for 2 days, cough and lack of air, all of them of fast beginning. Taking into account the possible presence of a strange body in the high breathing ways a meticulous physical exam was carried out that included the laryngoscope, but due to its deep location it was not possible a correct observation of it, reason why other studies were indicated (magnetic resonance and endoscopy) that allowed a correct visualization of this body. Due to the multidisciplinary and opportune treatment, the patient had a favorable clinical course and was discharged without complications.

Humans , Male , Infant , Respiratory Insufficiency/etiology , Foreign-Body Reaction , Foreign Bodies/diagnosis , Emergencies , Emergency Medical Services
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786137


Maxillary implants are inserted in the upward direction, meaning that they oppose gravity, and achieving stable support is difficult if the alveolar bone facing the maxillary sinus is thin. Correspondingly, several sinus-lifting procedures conducted with or without bone graft materials have been used to place implants in the posterior area of the maxilla. Even with these procedures available, it has been reported that in about 5% of cases, complications occurred after implantation, including acute and chronic sinusitis, penetration of the sinus by the implant, implant dislocation, oroantral fistula formation, infection, bone graft dislocation, foreign-body reaction, Schneiderian membrane perforation, and ostium plugging by a dislodged bone graft. This review summarizes common maxillary sinus pathologies related to implants and suggests an appropriate management plan for patients requiring dental implantation.

Humans , Dental Implantation , Dental Implants , Joint Dislocations , Foreign-Body Reaction , Gravitation , Maxilla , Maxillary Sinus , Maxillary Sinusitis , Nasal Mucosa , Oroantral Fistula , Pathology , Postoperative Complications , Sinusitis , Transplants
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762783


BACKGROUND: The open reduction of craniofacial bone fractures requires internal fixation using metal plates and screws, which have been considered the gold standard. However, metal implants pose a risk of palpation, protrusion, and foreign body reaction, and they may require an additional operation for removal. Recently, good results have been reported for absorbable implants which complement the disadvantages of metal implants. This study presents the results of using absorbable mesh, plates, and screws with cyanoacrylate for more accurate and firmer fixation of comminuted fractures of the maxilla. METHODS: In total, 235 patients underwent operations for comminuted fractures of the maxilla. From January 2012 to December 2014, absorbable mesh and screws were used in 114 patients, while from January 2015 to December 2017, absorbable mesh, plates, and screws with cyanoacrylate were used in 121 patients. Open reduction of the bone fragments was performed, after which absorbable implants were accurately molded and fixed by screws. RESULTS: All patients underwent postoperative computed tomography scans, which showed highly accurate reduction and firm fixation in the patients who underwent procedures using absorbable implants, screws, and cyanoacrylate. There were no postoperative complications or cases of abnormal facial contour. CONCLUSION: When absorbable implants and screws are used for maxillary fractures, no additional surgery to remove the metal plate is required. In addition, the use of cyanoacrylate enables accurate and firm fixation of the tiny bone fragments that cannot be fixed with screws.

Humans , Absorbable Implants , Complement System Proteins , Cyanoacrylates , Foreign-Body Reaction , Fractures, Bone , Fractures, Comminuted , Fungi , Maxilla , Maxillary Fractures , Palpation , Postoperative Complications
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762798


BACKGROUND: Topical hemostatic agents are used when ligation, electrocauterization, or other conventional hemostatic methods are impractical. Because a hemostatic agent is a foreign body, it can cause foreign body reactions, inflammation, and infections that can interfere with the wound healing process. Therefore, we should select hemostatic agents after considering their effects on wound healing. Here, we compared the effects of hemostatic agents on wound healing in a rectus abdominis muscle defect in rats. METHODS: Twelve Sprague Dawley rats were subjected to creation of a 6 × 6 mm defect in the rectus abdominis muscle and divided into four groups: control group; group A, Tachosil fibrin sealant patch; group B, Surgicel Fibrillar oxidized regenerated cellulose; and group C, Surgicel Snow oxidized regenerated cellulose. For the histologic analysis, biopsies were performed on the 3rd, 7th, and 27th days. RESULTS: The foreign body reaction was the weakest in group A and most significant in group C. The inflammatory cell infiltration was the weakest in group A and similar in groups B and C. Muscle regeneration differed among periods. The rats in group A were the most active initially, while those in group C showed prolonged activity. CONCLUSION: Tachosil and Surgicel administration increased inflammation via foreign body reactions, but the overall wound healing process was not significantly affected. The increased inflammation in the Surgicel groups was due to a low pH. We recommend using Tachosil, because it results in less intense foreign body reactions than Surgicel and faster wound healing due to the fibrin action.

Animals , Rats , Biopsy , Cellulose , Cellulose, Oxidized , Fibrin Tissue Adhesive , Fibrin , Fibrinogen , Foreign Bodies , Foreign-Body Reaction , Hemostatics , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Inflammation , Ligation , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Rectus Abdominis , Regeneration , Snow , Thrombin , Wound Healing , Wounds and Injuries
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-739583


PURPOSE: We investigated the biocompatibility of n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (NBCA) in the cervical deep tissues of rats to assess its biocompatibility. METHODS: A total of 30 Sprague-Dawley rats were injected with NBCA. After 30, 90, 180, and 360 days, cubes of tissue (1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm) surrounding the NBCA and normal tissue from the other side of the neck were excised from each rat. The adhesion of NBCA to adjacent structures was examined histologically. Cells were counted per high-power field (HPF), and fibrosis was graded with the measurement of fibrotic thickening. RESULTS: All animals displayed normal behavior without any symptoms of distress throughout the study. There was no recognizable inflammatory reaction, foreign body reaction, or fibrosis in the 30 control samples. The analyses of experimental samples showed significantly decreased inflammatory cell counts over time (lymphoplasma cell count decreased from 100 (range, 70–100) to 30 (range, 30–50) per HPF, P = 0.010; neutrophil count decreased from 2 (range, 2–30) to 0 (range, 0–2) per HPF, P = 0.017). However, there was no significant difference in the number of multinuclear giant cells throughout the study period (a decrease from 22 [range, 16–34] to 16 [range, 12–22] per HPF, P = 0.287). The level of fibrosis was Common Toxicity Criteria ver. 4.0 Grade 1 without further thickening (P = 0.600). However, maturation of fibrosis progressed gradually. CONCLUSION: NBCA was biologically tolerable in the cervical deep tissues of rats. However, precautions are needed with respect to preventing a sustained foreign body reaction and fibrosis.

Animals , Rats , Biocompatible Materials , Cell Count , Chyle , Cyanoacrylates , Enbucrilate , Fibrosis , Foreign-Body Reaction , Giant Cells , Neck , Neck Dissection , Neutrophils , Prospective Studies , Rats, Sprague-Dawley
Int. braz. j. urol ; 44(4): 819-825, July-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-954082


ABSTRACT Aims and Objectives: Polypropylene meshes have been increasingly adopted for correction of pelvic organ prolapse due to its lower recurrence rate when compared to surgeries without meshes. The study of the interaction of these materials with the host tissue may contribute to the development of materials with best biocompatibility and, consequently, less complication rates. Materials and Methods: The present study compares the inflammatory reaction of standard-weight (SW) and lightweight (LW) meshes (72 g/m216g/m2 respectively), implanted in the abdomen of 20 adult rats, which were euthanized in four or 30 days. Quantification of pro-inflammatory markers, IL-1 and TNF-α, and of metalloproteinases, MMP2 and MMP3, were carried out through immunohistochemistry with AxioVision® software. Results: There were no significant differences in the quantification of IL-1 and TNF-α in LW versus SW meshes. However, IL-1 quantification increased along time (30 days >4 days, p=0.0269). Also, MMP-2 quantification was similar to SW and LW and both presented a significant increase along time (30 days >4 days, p <0.0001). MMP-3 quantification also showed no difference between the SW and LW groups, but increased along time (30 days >4 days, p=0.02). Conclusions: Mesh's density did not influence the quantification of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1 and TNF-α and metalloproteinases 2 and 3. The increased expression of IL-1, MMP-2 and MMP-3 over time could represent a longstanding inflammatory response after PP mesh implantation. Possibly, the occurrence of adverse events following PP prosthetic implants can be influenced by other factors, not solely related to the amount of implanted material.

Animals , Female , Rats , Polypropylenes/adverse effects , Surgical Mesh/adverse effects , Interleukin-1/analysis , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/analysis , Matrix Metalloproteinase 3/analysis , Matrix Metalloproteinase 2/analysis , Subcutaneous Tissue/pathology , Time Factors , Wound Healing , Biocompatible Materials/adverse effects , Materials Testing , Immunohistochemistry , Reproducibility of Results , Foreign-Body Reaction/chemically induced , Foreign-Body Reaction/pathology , Collagen/analysis , Abdominal Wall/pathology , Subcutaneous Tissue/drug effects
Int. braz. j. urol ; 44(4): 831-834, July-Aug. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-954063


ABSTRACT Context: Polyacrylate-polyalcohol copolymer is a synthetic product, non-biodegradable, with low rate of therapeutic failure and lower incidence of reactions at the site of injection, when compared to biodegradable agents. We report an unprecedent, exuberant and persistent inflammatory reaction following injection of that substance. Patient: a 17 years-old patient with vesico-ureteral reflux and complete pyelocaliceal right duplication was submitted to treatment with polyacrylate-polyalcohol copolymer (STING technique). In the seventh day of post-operatory, she presented intense dysuria and hypogastric pain, without laboratory exams alterations; a symptomatic treatment was started. After two months, the symptoms persisted and an ultrasound detected thickening of bladder wall close to the uretero-vesical junction. After that exam, a cystostopic biopsy showed epithelial hyperplasia with increased edema of lamina propria, suggesting an adverse reaction to the polymer. After four months, there was complete remission, but the reflux persisted with the same grade. Hypothesis: This is an unprecedent reaction following injection of this copolymer. The presence of characteristics such as absence of infection, temporal relation between treatment and beginning of symptoms, and detection of epithelial hyperplasia at the local of injection reinforce the hypothesis of association of the substance and adverse reaction. In that patient, important complains motivated early investigation of urinary tract, that confirmed those aspects. Maybe if that reaction had occurred in patients with lower capacity of expression (such as in infants) it would be unnoticed.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Polymers/adverse effects , Vesico-Ureteral Reflux , Biocompatible Materials/adverse effects , Acrylates/adverse effects , Foreign-Body Reaction/chemically induced , Foreign-Body Reaction/pathology , Vesico-Ureteral Reflux/pathology , Biopsy , Foreign-Body Reaction/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography , Treatment Outcome , Cystoscopy , Injections